AFRIKUN at Fusion Festival
Editing, Filming, Graphics, Photography, Video FeatureType & click enter

Photography, Filming, Editing, Grading, Titel Animation, Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Photoshop
2012 – 2015
is a audio-visual project of the Trio Kumar Sublevao-Beat, Daniel El Congo Allen and Regis KinRe Molina combining Afro-Cuban folk music with modern urban electronic elements.
Originally from Cuba and strongly connected to Afro-Cuban culture AFRIKUN is doing research and giving tribute to their african roots through music.
It’s a musical journey to various ethnic groups of Africa, a voyage through different cultures and communities. AFRIKUN is exploring all kinds of rhythms, sampling from traditional instruments or ethnic chants and takes it to the urban scene in an unusual music format, where audio-visuals, percussion, brass section, synths and MPC are coming together while at the same time preserving the origins and the power of each component.

From left to right ▲
Daniel Allen a.k.a. El Congo (trompet, percussion, vocals)
Kumar a.k.a. Sublevao-Beat (vocals / MPC)
Regis Molina a.k.a. KinRe (sax, percussion, vocals)
Afrikun literally kicking up a storm while playing at Fusion Festival. Music played for the ancestors and they respond through nature.
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